Fantastic tip from a nutritionist on how to lose belly fat that people pay top dollar for!

Nutritionist Lukas Nikolova from the prestigious Hill Clinic shared what he tells his clients who come to him for help in losing weight. They pay for this advice, but for you it’s absolutely free! Not everyone can exercise. And the biggest mistake is for people to suddenly decide they need to lose weight when they […]


08. 11. 2023

Nutritionist Lukas Nikolova from the prestigious Hill Clinic shared what he tells his clients who come to him for help in losing weight.

They pay for this advice, but for you it's absolutely free!

Not everyone can exercise. And the biggest mistake is for people to suddenly decide they need to lose weight when they have barely moved for years.Such a sudden increase in activity puts an enormous strain on the joints and the entire musculoskeletal system. So if you want to start exercising more, always consult a specialist first to make sure you're not doing more harm than good.

I advise my clients to forget about fitness for the first week and walk for at least 20 minutes every day (ideally at a brisk pace, but always at a pace that is easy on the joints). This method will literally wake up your metabolism. It's safe and incredibly effective.

I'm not a fan of diets that involve torturing your body with one type of food for a week or two.It's enough to change just a few things in your diet and that can help your digestion massively. In this way, you can get rid of a lot of stored fat and prevent your body from storing it.

Another important thing that people often forget is that salt and excessive salting are just as dangerous for weight loss as sugar and excessive consumption of sweets.

Keep these food combinations in mind

Your weekly eating plan:

Breakfast variations (the most important meal of the day):

Oatmeal with nuts, a little vanilla and raisins - ideally without milk, butter or honey. If you soak the raisins in hot water before eating them, they will swell and become even sweeter.

An omelette with vegetables - you can use vegetable oil, but as little as possible and ideally olive oil.You can also indulge in bread for breakfast, but swap the usual yeast bread for non-yeast bread, such as Irish bread.Eat it with chicken, low-fat cottage cheese (instead of cheese, if cheese, then low-fat) and tomatoes.Limit your coffee consumption. You can have a few more cups once a week, cut it out for the rest of the week or stick to one cup.Healthy pancakes without flour and sugar - swap the flour for oatmeal, mix with low-fat cottage cheese, an egg and mashed banana. Make them in the oven instead of frying.Make pancakes in the same way, but replace the flour with oats. Cook them on a frying pan that you've previously covered with a split potato - the pancakes won't stick even without fat.

What to eat for lunch:

Rice is an excellent food, rich in carbohydrates, vitamins and energy. Brown rice is the best, which you can enjoy with chicken stir-fry, seasoned with soy sauce and ground pepper.
Stew cabbage with beef.

Buckwheat is also an amazing side dish if you want to lose weight. Mix it with garlic sautéed vegetables and a little hard cheese.Risotto with peas and tuna or chicken.

Wholemeal pasta with chicken, olives and tomatoes.Stuffed cabbage leaves with minced meat and rice - no trimmings.

Snack Variations:

Fruit Cup

Baked apples with cottage cheese.

Unleavened bread with tzatziki sauce.

Oatmeal with grated carrot and apple.

Low fat cottage cheese with coconut.

Low-fat cottage cheese with honey and sour fruit.

What to have for dinner:

Chicken salad with fresh vegetables sprinkled with olive oil.

Unleavened bread with mozzarella, turkey ham and tomato.

Roast chicken with peas and tomatoes.

Trout fried in butter with vegetables.

Salad with nuts and light yoghurt dressing.

A variety of cabbage salads, but without mayonnaise - replace it with yoghurt or low-fat sour cream.
It is also important never to overeat, even with healthy food. I advise my clients to always allow at least 15-20 minutes for a meal, never eat in front of the computer or TV and, if possible, play classical music during the meal. It's been proven that you eat slower, you enjoy the food more and you don't tend to overeat.

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