How to get rid of snoring effectively.

Snoring certainly isn’t pleasant, especially for those who try to sleep next to a snorer. But it can also be a symptom of obstructive sleep apnoea, a potentially serious condition in which breathing stops repeatedly during the night. “Snoring and apnoea often go hand in hand,” says otolaryngologist Dr Tony Reisman. Dr Reisman explains why […]


10. 11. 2023

Snoring certainly isn't pleasant, especially for those who try to sleep next to a snorer.

But it can also be a symptom of obstructive sleep apnoea, a potentially serious condition in which breathing stops repeatedly during the night.

"Snoring and apnoea often go hand in hand," says otolaryngologist Dr Tony Reisman.

Dr Reisman explains why it's important to find a solution to snoring and how to tackle the problem so everyone can get a good night's sleep.

What causes snoring?</h2Anyone can snore - men, women and children.

"Snoring is relatively common in children," says Dr Reisman.It tends to be more common in men and overweight people, and often gets worse with age.Snoring occurs when breathing is obstructed during sleep.As air tries to pass through the soft tissues, they vibrate, causing the characteristic sound of snoring.

Some people are born with a structural problem that causes them to snore when they sleep.However, snoring is usually caused by factors such as

Obesity/overweightNasal structural problems, such as a deviated nasal septumEnlarged tonsils or adenoiditis

Chronic congestion

Snoring and sleep apnoea

Snoring is not harmful in itself. However, it can be a sign of obstructive sleep apnoea.This disorder causes you to stop breathing several times during the night, each time for a few seconds.

If you have sleep apnoea, you may wake up several times during the night and feel tired.During the day, you may feel sleepy and have trouble concentrating at work or school. Some people experience sudden sleepiness during the day, increasing their risk of car accidents or work injuries.

For people with sleep apnoea, snoring is a health problem. Untreated sleep apnoea can lead to serious health problems, including

High blood pressure (hypertension)



Heart problems, including heart failure and heart attack

What can you do about snoring?

There are several treatments for snoring, depending on the underlying cause. Here are some home remedies to help you stop snoring naturally.

1. Maintain a healthy body weight

"Obesity is a major cause of snoring in both children and adults," says Dr Reisman. During sleep, fat tissue in the throat can block the airway when the throat muscles relax. Losing weight can reduce this pressure.

2. Chronic rhinitis

For people with chronic nasal congestion, medicines such as antihistamines and steroid nasal sprays can help you breathe easily and reduce snoring.

3. Sleeping position

Try lifting the mattress on which your head rests to adjust your level. Sleeping on your side rather than your back can also reduce snoring.

4. Open your nasal passages

Opening your nasal passages at night can help reduce snoring. Adhesive nasal strips, which are placed on the bridge of the nose to keep the nasal passages open, improve airflow. Another option is nasal dilators, which are inserted into the nasal passages to widen the nasal opening. Both strips and decongestants are an affordable solution that is readily available from pharmacies.

5. Stop smoking

Quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do for your health. Not only will it lower your blood pressure and increase your energy levels, it will also help reduce snoring. Why? It improves nasal congestion, which has a major impact on your snoring.

6. Limit or avoid alcohol

In general, not drinking alcohol before going to bed is beneficial for sleep quality. It is particularly useful for snoring. Alcohol can cause relaxation of the airway muscles during sleep, so avoid it a few hours before bedtime.

Source: Iatropedia.gr

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