Ingenious uses for tea bags that you wish you had known about earlier.

Tea is one of the world’s most popular beverages. We drink it for its flavour, but also for its health and other benefits to the human body. Most people look for simplicity when it comes to drinking tea. It should be quick and easy to prepare, which is why tea bags are so popular. You […]


08. 11. 2023

Tea is one of the world's most popular beverages. We drink it for its flavour, but also for its health and other benefits to the human body. Most people look for simplicity when it comes to drinking tea. It should be quick and easy to prepare, which is why tea bags are so popular. You unwrap it, put it in your cup, fill it with water, let it steep and - surprisingly - you don't throw it in the bin. When you find out what they can be used for, you'll be sorry you didn't start reusing them sooner.


Do you grow flowers, herbs or plants at home? If so, you know that they need a lot of moisture and a lot of fertiliser. But you don't have to buy it, because a tea bag will serve you much better. It's a source of organic materials that are only good for plants.Also, good quality teas are usually packaged in biodegradable materials, so you can just bury the tea bag next to the plant and not worry about it.

Flavouring food

Yes, you can actually use a used tea bag to flavour your food. Specifically, your pasta. When you start to cook it, add a used tea bag to the water. Leave it there until the pasta is cooked. You'll be surprised at the interesting flavour it can give to your pasta. It's best to use a simple version without any sauces.

Eliminating odours

It doesn't matter if the odours are in the fridge, the flat, the wardrobe, the rubbish or the shoes. A tea bag can be used anywhere. Especially the unused ones. Just hang or place them where you smell the odour. And let tea's unique ability to absorb and trap odours work its magic.

Degreasing surfaces

Are your dishes greasy or do you have spots that need degreasing? If so, there's no need to buy expensive products. A tea bag will do the job much better. All you have to do is throw it in the pot to degrease, or simply open a used tea bag and pour the contents onto the greasy surface. Thanks to the tannic acid, the grease will be history.

Body Detox

Various unwanted substances tend to accumulate in the body. Good quality tea can remove these substances simply by drinking it. You can also remove them externally. Just add a few tea bags to your bath. Tea contains powerful antioxidants, which are mainly used to remove all unpleasant substances in places like the skin.

Glass Cleaner

Can you clean glass surfaces properly and perfectly? Don't despair. There's no need to try new products, because tea bags will do the trick. Just take one and use it to wipe away stains on your glasses.Because it contains several unique acids, it'll take care of specific stains.

Soothe the skin

Tea bags are better than expensive cosmetics and make-up. If your skin is sunburned or otherwise damaged and irritated, it's a good idea to use tea bags to soothe it. The same applies if you have a minor burn and need to soothe the area quickly.

Eradicating pests

Are you annoyed by the fact that your house is full of ants, spiders or mice? If so, you should consider prevention. You can do this by placing tea bags in high-risk areas.Many pests don't like the smell of tea, so they will avoid your home.

Source: prosvet.cz

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