Trick: How do you bread cheese so it never leaks? It tastes even better!

I’d like to show you a fantastic way of breading cheese so that it never leaks when you fry it. First of all, I usually use a regular block of cheese, nothing fancy, just a typical block and this process. It’s worked for me for many years and I hope it will work for you […]


09. 11. 2023

I'd like to show you a fantastic way of breading cheese so that it never leaks when you fry it.

First of all, I usually use a regular block of cheese, nothing fancy, just a typical block and this process. It's worked for me for many years and I hope it will work for you too.

How to do it?

It's not rocket science, all you have to do is skip the flour.

You will need:

A block of cheese (the higher the fat content, the better)

Some breadcrumbs

One egg

Salt to taste

If you can't imagine breading without flour, use semolina, not plain.


Make sure your cheese is well chilled (you can put it in the freezer for a few minutes).

Then coat it in egg, breadcrumbs, egg, then breadcrumbs again.

Dip in the oil and fry as usual. It's always worked for me.

I've been using this method since before 1989 and I still use it today.

Other tricks

Add 1 tablespoon of vinegar to the water you use to cook the rice - this will keep the rice white and crumbly.

A pinch of salt added towards the end of the brewing process gives drinks a unique aroma and flavour.

If you're soaking beans, soak them in mineral water - they'll cook much faster.

If you add a little milk to sour cream, it won't curdle in the sauce.

If your tomato paste thickens, sprinkle a little mustard powder on it to prevent it from going mouldy.

Roast beets in their skins, wrapped in foil - they're healthier this way.

Add a few amaranth leaves to your pickled cucumbers to make them tastier and keep them crunchy.

Mayonnaise can easily be replaced with sour cream combined with 1 hard-boiled egg yolk and a teaspoon of mustard.

You can prevent the fat from overcooking and smelling by using a simple carrot. Place 3-4 slices in the fat.

Sprinkle the meat with lemon juice before breading. It softens the meat, enhances the flavour and eliminates the smell of cooking.

A great way to combat cooking odours is to use a trick when preparing the coating. Add milk, a few drops of lemon and even beer to the egg mixture. The meat will have less cholesterol and you won't smell that typical frying smell.

Soak the fillet in sparkling mineral water before frying


The fish will defrost much quicker (the defrosting time can be reduced by up to half) and it will be tender and tastier. I use this method for both baked and fried fillets.

I also add mineral water to batter for escalopes, pancakes and when soaking beans. Adding chilled mineral water to the batter makes the beans cook much faster.

If you really want the best fried fillets, add some ground nuts to the breadcrumbs.

Your cheese won't leak - the key is a cheese with a high fat content - at least 30%. Put the cheese in the freezer for 10 minutes before breading. Once you've breaded it, put it back in the fridge for a few minutes.

Be sure to follow this step when breading: Cover the cheese 2 times - this ensures that it doesn't leak.

If you want your chicken to have a golden crust, baste it with dark beer while frying - it also enhances the fantastic flavour.

Want your pancakes to be fluffier? Add fizzy mineral water or a little rum to the batter.

If you want perfectly whisked egg whites, make sure they are well chilled.

It's the other way round with the yolks - they prefer room temperature.

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