You are not fat!You just have a bloated gut and these 5 tips will help you get rid of it.

There’s nothing attractive about a big belly that looks like a balloon about to burst.Not to mention all the gases inside and the discomfort they cause. Bloating is a common problem, usually after heavy meals.But for some people it is a daily affliction. In this article you will learn about the causes of bloating and […]


08. 11. 2023

There's nothing attractive about a big belly that looks like a balloon about to burst.Not to mention all the gases inside and the discomfort they cause.

Bloating is a common problem, usually after heavy meals.But for some people it is a daily affliction.

In this article you will learn about the causes of bloating and how to get rid of excessive gas.

1. Not drinking enough water


Dehydration is a major cause of several health problems, including gas.Excessive consumption of coffee and alcohol exacerbates the problem.

When did you last drink 6 to 8 glasses of water?


When your body lacks water, it replaces it with fluid from the tissues.This leads to bloating, which may look like water retention, but the opposite is true.The body is dehydrated.

So try to drink more water.

2. Constipation

Constipation is unpleasant and a reminder that you need to eat more fibre-rich foods.

3. Chronic stress

Believe it or not, stress can cause bloating.When you're under stress, your digestive system doesn't work properly.

So try to relax from negative emotions. You'll be surprised how quickly your bloating problems disappear.

4. Fast food

Partially chewed food is slowly digested in the stomach and intestines, causing bloating.It's as simple as that...

So don't rush your meals, eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly in your mouth.

5.Carbohydrates and sugars

Excessive consumption of sugars and carbohydrates can contribute to increased gas in the gut.

Think about replacing foods high in carbohydrates and sugars with foods that are lower in these.You should also limit your alcohol intake and eat more fresh fruit and vegetables.

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