8 tricks to save on gas.

Gas prices have been much higher than we are used to for several months now. So it makes sense that everyone is trying to save as much gas as possible. We have eight tips to help you do just that. 8. Stay alert and keep a safe distance Staying alert in traffic means you’ll have […]


08. 11. 2023

Gas prices have been much higher than we are used to for several months now. So it makes sense that everyone is trying to save as much gas as possible. We have eight tips to help you do just that.

8. Stay alert and keep a safe distance

Staying alert in traffic means you'll have to brake and accelerate less often. This will save you a lot of fuel in the long run.Tailgating can also cost you a lot of extra fuel because you're constantly braking.You can avoid this by keeping a safe distance from other road users.

7. Check your tyre pressure regularly

The pressure in your car's tyres increases as you drive.It's important to check (or have checked) the pressure in your tyres regularly to make sure they can withstand this pressure. If they can't, you'll have to slow down and speed up more often (using more fuel).

6. Don't brake too hard at traffic lights

We've already talked about the need to stay alert.This applies not only when you're overtaking, but also when you're approaching traffic lights.If you make sure you've slowed down a little before you get to the light, you won't have to slam on the brakes later. This saves a lot of fuel and money!

5. Keep a constant speed where possible


This can be tricky if you're driving on a main road, but it's definitely worth trying on country roads.Unnecessary acceleration wastes fuel. If you can maintain a constant speed, you can save up to thirty percent on fuel.

4. Carry as little as possible

Although you may feel that the load in the back of your car doesn't matter, it does use a lot more fuel. By taking only the essentials and leaving the rest at home, you can save a lot of fuel. You'll also save on towing costs!

3. Combine short trips

Shopping, picking up a few things for the holiday, picking up the kids from the sports club..... We often make a lot of short trips by car.Try combining them. Not only will you save time, but your car will only need to be fully charged once.

2. Use the air conditioning as little as possible

Cars tend to use less fuel on hot days because they don't take as long to warm up. However, this advantage can be quickly lost when you switch on the air conditioning. It's better to open the windows more often and reserve the air conditioning for motorway journeys.

1. Keep the heating off

The same applies to the car's heating as to the air conditioning: it creates a pleasant environment, but it also costs a lot of fuel.Try to use the car heater as little as possible.Is it really necessary? If so, only turn it on when you're already driving. This will save you a lot of time and fuel.

Source: tips and tricks.co

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