This dual combination will flush pounds of waste and fat from your gut and waistline!

During our lifetime of around 70 years, our intestines process an incredible 100 tonnes of food and 40,000 litres of fluid.Of this, up to 7 kilos of toxic waste is deposited in the intestines and fat, constantly contaminating the blood and causing irreversible damage to our bodies.If the bowel is not clean, symptoms such as […]


08. 11. 2023

During our lifetime of around 70 years, our intestines process an incredible 100 tonnes of food and 40,000 litres of fluid.Of this, up to 7 kilos of toxic waste is deposited in the intestines and fat, constantly contaminating the blood and causing irreversible damage to our bodies.If the bowel is not clean, symptoms such as frequent constipation, impaired metabolism, diabetes, unstable body weight or kidney or liver disease can occur.Problems with hearing, vision, skin, hair and nails are also common.Prolonged intestinal blockage can even lead to cancer in the body.


To prevent and cure many of the diseases mentioned above, it is necessary to regularly cleanse the bowel and remove accumulated and stuck food from it.The side effect of such a bowel cleanse is improved metabolism and weight loss, as the body burns calories better and is not forced to store toxins in fat.Purging is often done with enemas.Their main disadvantage is that they only affect about 40 to 50 cm of the back of the bowel.But toxins are all over the bowel, where enemas can't reach.Another disadvantage of enemas is that they are time-consuming and often damage the intestinal microflora.In this article, we will show you a much better way to cleanse your intestines of mucus, food residues, and bile-containing waste products from the gallbladder and liver.Moreover, this method not only preserves your intestinal microflora, but actually supports it.


ground flaxseed
The specific quantities are given below for each week of the course.


This cleanse lasts 3 weeks. During this time, consume the following amounts of flaxseed and kefir for breakfast:

Week 1: 1 tablespoon of flaxseed and 100ml of kefir

Week 2: 2 tablespoons of linseeds and 100ml of kefirWeek 3: 3 tablespoons of linseeds and 150 ml of kefirIt's best to consume this by mixing the seeds with the kefir and simply eating it with a spoon.

Effects of the cleanse

This cleanse will have the following health effects on your body:help you lose weight, eliminate lipid metabolism disordersHeal gastritis, colitis and peptic ulcers

reduce or completely cure inflammatory diseases not only of the intestines and digestive tract, but also of the respiratory tract by boosting immunity

will also help to cure urinary tract infections, cystitis and pyelonephritis (kidney inflammation)
How this cleanse works

Linseeds bind and then remove many toxins from the body. They also reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and improve circulation.They contain beneficial nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids.

Kefir, on the other hand, provides the body with beneficial microflora that rebuilds the intestinal lining.This prevents many toxins from entering the blood from the gut.Beneficial bacteria in the gut also produce many substances that are beneficial to the body.

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