The underrated aluminium foil: Various hacks to improve your home.

We all have at least one roll of aluminium foil in our kitchen. Most of the time we use this silver foil for baking and storing prepared food. It’s excellent at keeping food warm and doesn’t release any liquids or grease. But did you know it could be used in other ways? Discover the full […]


08. 11. 2023

We all have at least one roll of aluminium foil in our kitchen. Most of the time we use this silver foil for baking and storing prepared food. It's excellent at keeping food warm and doesn't release any liquids or grease. But did you know it could be used in other ways? Discover the full potential of this useful aluminium ally.

Waiting in vain for the signal?

Is your wifi weak? Place a folded piece of aluminium foil behind your router. It will block any signals going in the wrong direction and give you the fastest internet. However, foil can also interfere with some signals. For example, it can be used to protect your car from theft. Just wrap it around the buttons on your remote control. Even the cleverest thief will not be able to get through.

Removes all deposits


Sometimes a sponge and detergent just aren't enough. Aluminium foil will help remove even the largest and most stubborn stains. Pour baking soda into a dirty pot or pan and add water. Then scrub thoroughly with a small piece of aluminium foil. You can achieve a similar effect by putting crumpled aluminium foil in the dishwasher. The chemical reaction between the aluminium and the detergent will polish all your cutlery to perfection.

Provides a beautiful shine

Barbecue grill: Run the grill quickly over a barbecue. It will be as good as new.

Glue bottles: after use, wipe the residue of sticky liquid from the neck. This will prevent the bottle neck from sticking and hardening.

Silver cutlery: simply polish with foil. It will shine like new.

Jewellery: place in a bowl lined with foil and add baking powder.

Beneficial for your health

Do you suffer from migraines, joint pain or colds? Wrap your legs in tin foil. It may sound strange, but it really does help and your aches and pains will disappear in no time. For even better results, wear "steel" socks at night. Another way to combat the cold is to place aluminium foil behind the fridge. It will work a little better and you will enjoy a pleasant warmth.

Keeps paint in place


Aluminium foil can also help when painting rooms, doors and other areas. This can be particularly difficult around handles or electrical sockets. But this is a thing of the past if you wrap these parts in aluminium foil. The paint won't reach them. The foil can also help with other creative activities. It can be used to effectively sharpen scissors. Just fold it eight times and cut several times.

Gets rid of various pests

Have cats in your garden and don't know how to get rid of them? Scatter pieces of aluminium foil around the property. Uninvited guests won't come near because they hate walking on foil. Aluminium not only repels cats, it also repels ants. Just slide it behind the kitchen counter and into the holes where insects can get into the kitchen.

Other uses

Can't find a funnel? No worries. You can easily make one from foil, just roll it up and use it. Foil can also be used in other ways in the kitchen (and other rooms). If you place several pieces of foil around a dish, it will catch all the dirt and grease that runs out of the dish, making it easier to clean. Wrap the banana stem in it. It will stay fresh for longer.

Cut it off and put it under the feet of furniture. This will prevent the furniture from scratching the floor when it moves.

When frying eggs, place a piece on top of the pan. The oil will only remain on the surface.

Wrap the bread in it when you take it out of the oven. It will maintain a higher temperature and richer flavour for longer.

More tips in the video:

Source: adbz.cz

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